Introducing to Family
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Introducing Your Boyfriend to Your Family and Friends
This can be an exciting time. Taking your boyfriend home requires additional preparations. You have to consider the dynamics of introducing your boyfriend to family and friends, and also prime your partner of your family dos and don'ts. All this can be quite challenging, but also a tad daunting. Since you are, in all probability, going home with Mr Right so that your parents can approve of him, you must ensure that everything apart from the man is right too...
Is your partner is ready to meet your family?
Introducing your significant other to family members is a big step. Talk with him well in advance and be absolutely sure that both of you are comfortable with the idea and its potential outcome. Pay careful attention to the warning signs: Hesitation from you or your partner, resistance or uneasiness. If there is a hint of any of the above from either of your sides, drop the idea.
Warn your family in advance
Have a candid conversation with your mom or dad, and tell them that your partner is accompanying you. Once again, pay careful attention to their reaction and warning signs. Explain to them the importance of this step in your life. It may be a huge adjustment and very emotional time for both you and your family. So, threatening the family that you will bring him home regardless of their feeling may not be the best approach.
Let them get comfortable with each other
It may take time, but your family and your boyfriend need to do this by themselves. So you be yourself and act naturally. Try to break down the walls by sharing family stories and bringing your boyfriend into conversations. Share stories about your relationship as well. Humour is usually a good choice. If there are children in your family, note how your boyfriend behaves with them. This is a great way to read your married future.
Your partner may feel isolated and afraid
Significant others can have a hard time meeting the family. You know your family and can anticipate their behaviour and reactions, your partner doesn't. Don't worry if your partner has last minute jitters. Talk him through it and assure him of your love.
Never force the situation
Do not involve your boyfriend in a family squabble or any ugly situation. It will only make him more uncomfortable about the relationship. If things don't go quite as planned, count your losses and try to introduce your significant other some time, in a more amicable environment.
Thank your loved ones for their acceptance
If things go like a dream, thank everyone for making things easier for you. Also, pat yourself on the back for making a trip home with your future hubby!
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