Senior Dating is a chance
advicer http://www.new-dating.com/logout.php
Does age matter?
So it happened that all dating services work with pictures. It is awful! As it is impossible to see personality behind the picture, but only appearance.
So it happened that age influences our looks.
So it happened that age becomes one of the major factors in choosing a partner.
Age matters! And we must know all advantages and disadvantages of different age groups.
1. I am older than she is.
It is the most numerous group. In nearly all international marriages spouses have disparity in 5-10-15 and even 25-35 years. I say “nearly all”, because I need to tell something in the next items too :)). But still rare cases fall to their share.
Our experience says:
- 10-12 years: this difference is acceptable for many women.
- over 15 years: some are ready to think about it. Provided the information about age is true. (We had a client who said that he was “about 40” on the stage of correspondence, then before the trip he confessed that he was “about 50” and when he came it turned out that he was over 60. The girl said no to him, because their age difference was 35 years, so the man just wasted a lot of time and money).
Also we noticed the following tendency:
- women before 30 choose a minimal difference. No more than 10 years.
- women after 30 accept 15 years difference.
- women after 40 accept 20 years and more.
So, the younger a woman is, the less disposed she is to marriages with big disparity in years.
There is also another aspect – mentality.
“Russians get grown up early”. I often meet this opinion in the Internet, but I didn’t think about it before. But in point of fact it is true. She finishes secondary school at 16 and by 18 she is a second-year student of the University. Russian children generally have much more responsibility on their shoulders than Americans—taking care of siblings, grandparents, etc., and performing some of the domestic duties. So, judging by the photo you see a yesterday’s teenager on the site, but after you get to know her closer, you will see the difference.
If you look into a marriage book of some Russian marriage registration office, you will be astonished to see many couples that aren’t older than 20! But here nobody is amazed, because it is normal for Russia. But still if you seek a “classical Russian woman” with the whole luggage of “marriage portion” in the form of family traditions and eternal values, you should seek her among women over 25, or better – over 30. A woman, like good wine, must get mature for that, and get “fermented”.
2. She is older
It is the smallest group. If you try and write to a woman who is older than you, she will suspect a mistake. It happened so to Mike:
Hi there - i ran into something interesting while starting to correspond with a lady on your website - she seemed a bit surprised at my writing to her (she's about 1 1/2 years older then i). Is the normal thing to be that older guys only want younger women here?? I guess I must be somewhat of a novelty in that case. She wanted to clarify that she was older - and that I knew it and what my thoughts were. Kind of funny in that aspect.
advicer http://www.new-dating.com/logout.php