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Romantic Text Messages

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Bonny Albo
There are many ways to be romantic with your partner; some are easier performed than others. Sending romantic text messages - other than the cost should your cell phone plan not include them - are one the cheapest and easiest ways to show your love, and depending on how often you send them, they can also be one of the most surprising and touching. But what do you send?

Romantic Text Message Idea #1: Scavenger Hunt

This idea may take a little bit of planning but it is well worth it. The night before you plan on sending your romantic text messages, place some chocolate kisses around your partner's home or another location you know they'll be frequenting. This could be as simple as hiding a kiss in their purse, desk drawer or glove box in their car. Make a note of each place you hide the kiss for the next day. Then, send a romantic text message that will encourage them to check the secret hiding place, such as, "I can't wait to kiss you again. Think you can take for 30 seconds for one? Then check your glove box."

Even more adventurous partners could make a whole day out of the romantic scavenger hunt, going so far as to make each kiss a clue as to where the next one is. From there, the romantic text messages could spell out hints, suggestions or just provide supportive commentary while your loved one seeks out their love tokens.

Romantic Text Message Idea #2: Why I Love You

When is the last time you told your partner that you love them? How about when you explained why you love them? For a truly memorable series of romantic text messages, start the first one with, "Why I Love You". Then throughout the rest of the day, send more romantic text messages that explain exactly why you love them in greatdetail.

Some ideas to get you started:

You bring out the best in me;

I feel comfortable being myself when I'm around you;

No one else has ever made me feel unique/cherished/______ like you do;

Your strength/integrity/______ inspires me to be a better person;

You are a rare gem that exemplifies kindness/trust/_____;

You've seen me at my best and my worst, yet love me anyway;

The way you show affection/caring/love/emotion/_____.

Romantic Text Message Idea #3: Quote Love Poetry

What says I Love You better than a great love poem? You could send a series of romantic text messages, listing out an entire poem. Or, you could use one of these short and sweet love poetry quotes for a romantic touch anytime.

"Love is not love that alters when it alteration finds." -Shakespeare

"A gentle word like a spark of light, Illuminates my soul, And as each sound goes deeper, It's YOU that makes me whole." -David G. Kelly

"Soul meets soul on lover's lips." -Percy Bysshe Shelly

"I ne'er was struck before that hour, With love so sudden and so sweet. Her face it bloomed like a sweet flower, And stole my heart away complete." -John Clare

"Accept, dear girl, this little token, And if between the lines you seek, You'll find the love I've often spoken— The love my dying lips shall speak." -Eugene Field

If you've got a romantic text message that you're itching to share, feel free to add it to the romantic text messages list.

Bonny Albo

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