To Attract Right Man
advice http://www.new-dating.com
You see someone specific you are interested in, and you're not sure what in the world you should do about it. Should you:
(a) Let him know?
(b) Find out if he's interested in you first?
(c) Do nice things for him so that he'll notice you?
(d) Unleash your inner sex siren and use him as target practice?
(e) Agonize indecisively until he walks out of your life forever?
First of all, I want you to know that I don't criticize you for picking any of those options. Sometimes we don't get up the courage to approach the man of our dreams, and that's OKAY. Our painful feelings of regret will drive us to make sure we don't let a second opportunity pass us by.
Every man we meet gives us an opportunity to find the seduction style that best suits us. For some women, pulling out all the stops makes the poor man's jaw drop, while other women pull it off with flare. Some women are too sensitive to rejection to approach a man without knowing that he has at least some level of interest in her. Other women find it easier to be blunt and find out, once and for all, whether their interest is reciprocated, so that they can get on with their lives.
What I CAN give you are 3 tips for ensuring that you don't make a fool out of yourself in your attempt to attract a man that you're interested in.
1. Don't make assumptions.
You won't know if he's perfect until AFTER you've been in a committed relationship with him, so don't jump to the conclusion that he's Mr. Right just because he's so good-looking and so nice and such a catch!
Very few women understand that the perfect relationship is not composed of two perfect people: it's composed of two imperfect people who happen to work harmoniously together.
He may be the perfect man on paper, but that's no guarantee he'll be perfect for YOU. You have no clue what a man will be like as a boyfriend or a husband until you've been in a committed relationship together for some time.
So steer clear of assumptions about what kind of couple you two would make. Right now, you're only making a guess that you two would be good together. Wait and let time tell the whole story.
2. Don't give up your power.
Time and time again, I've seen beautiful, intelligent, fiercely independent women become doormats when they fall in love with the wrong guy. They believe that it is a sign of their deep devotion when they take drunken calls from him, accept verbal abuse, and do nice favors that are rarely reciprocated, all the while defending the object of their affections: "He didn't mean it." "I have to be the better person."
Men know when we're silly-mad in love with them. They know that they can do anything, and we'll still love them. As a result, many of them like to test the boundaries, just as children test the boundaries with their parents. Some men stay out late; other men say hurtful things. Still other men sleep around.
advice http://www.new-dating.com