Decorating Easter Eggs
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Begin with Properly Boiled Eggs
Coloring eggs for Easter is fun, but this year, put away the messy dyes, and decorate Easter eggs with art quality colored tissue paper. This method of coloring Easter eggs is much safer than egg dyes that require hot water, smelly vinegar, and constant adult supervision. After the eggs are boiled, kids can take over decorating the eggs all by themselves. The dyes contained in art quality tissue paper are vibrant and colorfast, and adults as well as kids can have fun while making beautiful colored Easter eggs to celebrate the Easter holiday. You'll be amazed at the beautiful designs you can create using art quality tissue paper, hard-boiled eggs, and a damp rag. This Easter egg coloring method makes a great group project for kids and adults of all ages and skill levels.
The Importance of Properly Boiling the Eggs
Properly boiled eggs are essential for long-lasting top-quality Easter eggs. If the eggs are under boiled the shells will crack easily, and if the eggs are overboiled the yolks will turn green and become unappetizing for those who intended on eating them after the Easter celebration.
A patented product that has made boiling eggs simple is known as the "Eggsact Eggtimer" by Hammerhead Products. This amazing item is a godsend for those of us who have problems boiling eggs to the proper level of hardness. The Eggsact Eggtimer is made from a special type of plastic. It is shaped like a half oval with a flat bottom, and the words on the timer are magnified by a the clear rounded top. On the Eggsact Eggtimer is a hardness chart. When boiling eggs have reached a particular level of hardness, the Eggsact Eggtimer will indicate the level of hardness with a dark purple ring. When the ring touches the line indicating hard, medium, or soft, it's time to stop the boiling process. If you have never had good luck boiling eggs, this amazing egg timer is for you. It's very inexpensive, and it can be found online or in kitchen gadget stores everywhere. My good friend sent me an Eggsact Eggtimer as a surprise, and this amazing egg timer has become one of the most useful tools in my kitchen.
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