How to Write Dating Profile
Jen Carter http://www.new-dating.com
Are you fed up with browsing through dozens of lacklustre dating profiles that
all sound the same?
So, how do you avoid your profile being dull, boring and lifeless? How does
the potential love of your life find you?
Here's seven simple tips to help:-
Get a good photo to post on your profile
Choose your username with care. If you want your username to say something
about you great, if not, just go for something simple, like Paul316
Always be positive, no moans or groans about past relationships
Write factual information - not subjective. So write about your job, places you've
lived or travelled to, information about family and pets
Don't write about what characteristics you don't want in a partner, but write about
the attributes that you would like
Write like you talk - talk about who you are
Revise your profile regularly and check for spelling mistakes
Remember to read the information for each of the profile boxes you complete - read a few
profiles on the site to get an idea of what each box is for.
Write in your own distinct voice - don't copy anyone elses style - and let them see the real
Jen Carter http://www.new-dating.com