Nigerian scammers
by Mike Browning
For all you ladies out there looking for love on this or any other dating site....
Please be very careful about giving personal information to strangers. There are many male profiles posted on dating sites that are totally false. In particular, be VERY careful if a male claims to be from the UK. Nigerian scammers are using pictures of white males and claiming to live in the UK. These low-lifes will try to court you with their charm. If they ask to chat with you on any messenger service but they claim not to have a camera, ignore them. Block them. Have no dealings what so ever with them. Ask them about the weather in Lagos and they will probably go away.Never EVER accept any packages from them, especially if they say they are sending you money orders. One of their tricks is to get you to cash these forged documents, keep a little for yourself for your efforts and then wire the rest to a relative of theirs. By the time the bank catches up with these forged money orders, YOU will be responsible for the full amount.
Another scam they are running is one where they tell you they want to purchase some property or a home in your country. They say they will send you a large amount of money if you will give them your bank account number. DO NOT DO THIS!
Also do not accept any charges for packages being delivered by a Malaysian company. That is also a scam. They promise a laptop and you get a call from the shipping company or customs telling you they discovered a large amount of money hidden in the package and that you will need to wire money to them for them to release it to you. If you get a call from a Malaysian shipping company saying they found money in the laptop package, tell them to keep the money and send the laptop.
Also be very wary of any claims by people needing a nanny.
Please be very careful. If you have any questions or have been contacted by someone you are suspicious about, drop me a line. And if there's is a little voice inside your head telling you things don't seem right, listen to it.
I will start a data base of names to be aware of.
steven ford,thomasanderson,brian kelvy,danny alba
johnspark56, Age 50 Malaysia
mahmud hassan, sandra whitefield and royal delivery services
louis baker
Max Samuel
barry_tony@yahoo.com.. ( from UK)
Francis William
Jonathan Kelly
David Cole, UK.
Marek (Mark) Richards and Peter Cole of AITO Travels.
WILLIAM GRAY greyw73@yahoo.com
kelly chris
David Osborne , Uk , Desmond Benson Uk
collins Vincent Uk
"Brian Daniel"
Joe Gordons"
Smith Davies"
Dip. Famous Joepard"
Harry Thomas White
Mikell Bananas < enge.mikell_b@yahoo.com.>
Cole or Coleman
Greg Hendrix
richard merck
David Johnson from Scotland email dave_world65@yahoo.com
Mark christain from UK email civilregistraion@morgans-sols.700law.com
Vincent Richard from Malaysia email Vincent_richard1012@yahoo.co.uk
Zack Agustin
Richard from Malaysia email Vincent_richard1012@yahoo.co.uk
charles smith , james adam , kevin frank
JACOB DAVIIS ferruccio_088@yahoo.com
William Richard, william787 on DIA
mikell banabas, james roland, presly adam, neo jones. cole,
donjay on DIA
alexander duress from aberdeen city of scotland UK
PETER WHITE whitep79@yahoo.com
Raymond bradley cole raymondcole4us@yahoo.com
james hasley
franklin samson
William Pike and Bill_Howard 1243,
Mikell Bananas < enge.mikell_b@yahoo.com.>
George tyson
Jimmy Brown
Johnson Austin
Steven Lawman
Steven Hudso
by Mike Browning