Hugging Day
There’s nothing more reassuring than a comforting cuddle; Hugging Day encourages you to embrace (see what we did there?) hugging, and to give those you care about a comforting squeeze. Lovely!
On January 21st 1986 National Hugging Day was founded in the U.S.A. It has spread all over the world and is called by many names - Hug Day, World Hug Day, Send a Hug Day, International Hug Day, and even Hug a Bear Day!
This global 'virtual' Hug for Peace celebrating World Hug Day is your opportunity to show the world that 'peace begins with me'. We want to reach millions of people in the simplest heartfelt way that is possible, a hug!
When you've finished hugging, add photos of your Hug Day and feature them on our site.
Be loved and happy always!