Tradition of my family
Kozma Prutkov http://www.new-dating.com/search.php
Mystery of the new year's night always bewitch because of the waiting of something is especial and beautiful. It wakes up in your soul on the astonish moment when your friend's glasses is full of champagne and stroke of chimes beats a cherished seconds and you make the secret wish. Tingles run down a spine and you feel arrival of the New Year's fairy-tale to your life with pine smell and heap of gifts from Grandfather of the Frost under morning green-tree.
Our family likes to celebrate this holiday so much. Always we thoroughly prepare for it. We search presents, do the general cleaning with beating carpets, make ready the New Year's tree, adorning and garlands… But we mostly like the one of occupations. We draw gouache paintings on the glass of cupboard. Usually it is animal of year, Grandfather of the Frost and his granddaughter Snow Maiden, plus some pictures of winter. And I am sure on 100 % that without this ritual New Year's will never come. We don't take out pictures of animals till whole year because it protects us and everything will go right.
So, in outgoing 2002 year I didn't draw a snow or twigs of spruce as usually. Something pulled me to paint the sun, the see and palms… that's it…
At fist glance my mother protested me because her daughter was going mad: in the street winter, snow and cold, but she is painting sand and palms…But I didn't let to persuade me to wash it. My soul just demand a warm see and sun, and my hand drew itself what was sitting in my subconscious. There is no sense to fight with last one. If something grew up here it will come out in reality… definitely. It happened with me. I predict to myself a future of my new year on the glass of cupboard. May be families tradition is kept with meaning and our new year's ritual have a great power…
Kozma Prutkov http://www.new-dating.com/search.php