Early Skis
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Different types of skis have emerged at various regions at about the same time, but the original inventors of skis seem to be the people of the Sajan-Altaic Mountains in Asia. This is not verified.
All in all there are three different types of skis in the North of Europe and Asia:
The East-Siberian type is a thin board with a vertical four-hole binding. Sometimes it is covered with fur.
The West-Siberian type has a horizontal stem-hole binding. One can distinguish between the Ugro-Lapp type and the Central-Northern type.
The Southern type has a horizontal toe-piece binding. One can distinguish the Fennoscandian type and the Russo-Baltic type.
Modern ski bindings are based on the Fennoscandian model of the 19th century. The bindings of Telemark ski and cross-country skis were developed from the Ugro-Lapp type.
Ski Poles
Ski poles go back to two roots:
The walking stick was used to keep balance.
The ski pole developed from a spear or a bow to which a basket was added at one end. Double poles were used to reach a higher speed on skis.
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