Boarding Safely
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More than 150,000 injuries and dozens of deaths are seen each year related to skiing and snowboarding combined, according to Jeffrey Hadley, Ph.D., an epidemiologist with the Center for Injury Research and Policy at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and a former Ski Instructor.
In the winter at the emergency room at Lake Tahoe Forest Hospital they typically see an average of 140 broken or dislocated bones a day mostly from snowboard injuries. You can imagine they become pretty good at setting bones there so if you find yourself in need of repair your in good experienced hands.
Topping the list of the most common reasons for snowboarding injuries is poor or lack of skills. The top ten list:
Lack of necessary skills
Muscle fatigue
Tiredness or sleepiness
Alcohol intoxication or a hangover
Poor visibility or blizzard conditions
Dull edges on hard snow conditions
Fear and anxiety
Snowboarding too fast, relative to your ability
Encountering moguls or small bumps
Hard, icy, and other poor snow conditions
The following are some boarding hints that can minimize injuries;
Stay relaxed, especially in the feet and ankles.
Maintain a controlled edge pressure even when going straight and especially on the flats.
When making a turn, lighten the back foot prior to starting the turn.
When making a toe edge turn don’t rush it, Make a smooth transition from heal edge to toe edge. If you find yourself making face plants try counting to three as you make the turn to pace yourself.
Board upright and absorb with your ankles and knees.
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