Samara, Street MOLODOGVARDEISKAYA, house: 28, apartment: 25.
Phone number:
E-mail address:
The Scammers number is 25228. There is no doubt she is a scammer.In her last letter admited she was scamming me. I will include the letter for you to read.
Greetings my dear. I am very glad that you to not send me money because me Russian mafia forces to give all to them. For that time while we with you conduct correspondence I has understood that you the
clever person and at once all will understand. I do not know that to me to do in fact they further that is gangsters force to be engaged in it of all Russian girls. I think that I shall find the happiness there
- abroad. I see only one output my position this secret arrival in you. Now I write to you from the best girlfriend too secretly from gangsters. I see a way out. If I get acquainted with whom or I ask to
send that of money addressed to my aunt too secretly. And then I shall find the happiness abroad. Please forgive me and understand me correctly.